Nordic Ham Curl (Fitness product)
The BC Strength Nordic Ham Curl is the easiest way to perform the nordic ham curl exercise at home.
"The Nordic Ham Curl (NHC) has been studied extensively in the sports science literature. While some evidence exists indicating that it can help athletes sprint faster, a large body of evidence shows that it can help with the prevention of hamstring strain injuries, and it does so through two key mechanisms.
First, it builds eccentric hamstring strength. This is critical in sports as the hamstrings must be able to absorb large amounts of force. And second, it lengthens the hamstrings, which is characteristic of all eccentric training. For this reason, most strength coaches only have their athletes perform the lowering phase of the movement (the athlete lowers under control and then crawls back into position, omitting the concentric phase.)
But what about non-athletes/regular lifters? Is the NHC helpful for those seeking general strength and physique improvements? The answer is absolutely. When I started Glute Lab San Diego, I instantly began training dozens of bikini competitors. They took a huge liking to the NHC right off the bat, which was strange to me because I'm all about the glutes and the NHC is a hamstring exercise. Regardless, I started having them do NHCs twice a week for 3-5 sets of 3-5 repetitions. Initially, they couldn't control the lowering phase that well. They'd get half-way down and plummet quickly to the ground. After a few months, they got way better at them and could lower themselves under control all the way down. Some even were able to pull themselves up and perform the concentric phase without any assistance. Then they started entering their competitions, and their hammies (and glutes) looked way more developed compared to their previous year's condition. All of my competitors were pleasantly surprised and would say to me, "Bret, the only thing different in my hamstring training is the addition of NHCs." Others noticed a transfer to their deadlift strength from a steady dose of NHCs. Suffice to say, the NHC is a highly beneficial and oft-neglected exercise in strength and conditioning."
- Bret Contreras
- Approx dimensions: 20 inches wide x 49 inches long x 22 inches high
- Weight: 68lbs
- Colour: Black durable textured powder coated finish
- Padding colour: Black
- Strong welded steel frame
- No moving parts
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